The Funny, Daily

funny quote murphy s law upside down technology it jokes tipsographic

Murphy’s Law is a myth…

programming is 10 tech humor it jokes tipsographic

Programming is 10% writing code and 90% understanding why it’s not working.

six phases of a project project management jokes pm humor tipsographic

Six Phases of a Project: 1. Enthusiasm, 2. Disillusionment, 3. Panic, 4. Search for the guilty, 5. Punishment of the innocent, 6. Praise and honor for those not involved.

top 10 signs you re a project manager infographic project management jokes tipsographic

Top 10 Signs You’re a Project Manager

you can never tell train direction murphy s law technology it jokes tipsographic 1

Murphy’s Law on Technology #1: You can never tell which way the train went by looking at the track.

chaos happy with status quo project manager jokes tipsographic 2

project manager [noun]. — 1. an organizational leader dedicated to the imposition of the order upon chaos, even if chaos is perfectly happy with the status quo.

client is project management humor tipsographic 2.0

Client is the one who doesn’t know why s/he wants a baby.

marketing manager is project management humor tipsographic 2.0

Marketing Manager is a person who thinks s/he can deliver a baby even if no man and woman are available.

hr manager is project management humor tipsographic

HR Manager is a person who thinks that… a Donkey can deliver a Human Baby – if given 9 Months.

tester is project management humor tipsographic

Tester is a person who always tells that this is not the Right baby.