Wrike: Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

If your development team uses Wrike, well, you’ve got a wise project manager or product owner.

Waterfall or agile, Wrike is one of the best collaboration and project management software available on the market.

To speed up your task management experience even further in Wrike Workspace, use the keyboard shortcuts.

Actually, keyboard shortcuts for all common functions would have been the cherry on the cake. Unfortunately, right now the choice is quite limited, and it’s not possible to leave the mouse alone.

On the positive side, if you’ve never been a hot key user, below I listed 16 priceless Wrike keyboard shortcuts.

A good occasion to start navigating your Workspace and managing your tasks even faster.

Bookmark the graphic and keep it at your fingertips!

Image titled Wrike – Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Wrike – The 16 Most Common Keyboard Shortcuts

A quick and easy reference to the most important keyboard shortcuts on Wrike.

Basic tasks managementPCMac
NewAlt + Shift + nCtrl + Shift + n
New in timeline and workload viewsShift + Left ClickShift + Left Click
Activate search panelAlt + Shift + sCtrl + Shift + s
Mark completed/activeAlt + Shift + EnterCtrl + Shift + Enter
Select tasks in list viewPCMac
Select aboveAlt + Shift + [Ctrl + Shift + [
Select aboveAlt + Shift + ]Ctrl + Shift + ]
Move tasks sorted by priority in list viewPCMac
Move upCtrl + Alt + Shift + ↑Ctrl + Shift + ↑
Move downCtrl + Alt + Shift + ↓Ctrl + Shift + ↓
Move to the top of listCtrl + Alt + Shift + Page UpCtrl + Shift + Page Up
Move to the bottom of listCtrl + Alt + Shift + Page DownCtrl + Shift + Page Down
Display and use task viewPCMac
Open/close fullscreen modeAlt + Shift + fCtrl + Shift + f
Open in new tabAlt + Shift + oCtrl + Shift + o
Close task view panelAlt + Shift + EscCtrl + Shift + Esc
Assign tasksPCMac
Assign/unassign to yourselfAlt + Shift + .Ctrl + Shift + .
Open dialogue box to add assigneeAlt + Shift + ,Ctrl + Shift + ,
Edit commentsPCMac
PostShift + EnterShift + Enter

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Tips Info

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