Online Kanban Board Releases

Here the current and earlier versions of Tipsographic online kanban board template in Google Sheets.

Download it locally or save it on your Google Drive.

Free, easy!

kanban board example template excel kanban board google sheets template free releases tipsographic

Terms of Usage and Releases for the Kanban Spreadsheet

You are free to create your own copy of the spreadsheet and use it under this Private Use (not for distribution or resale) licence agreement.

Tipsographic takes no responsibility for decisions made using the calculations made using this or a copy of the spreadsheet, any changes, data or decisions made using the spreadsheet are entirely the responsibility of the individual or organization using it. Tipsographic will not be responsible for making changes to your copy of the spreadsheet based on improvements to the original made or to fit your own needs.

If you would like to discuss Tipsographic creating a bespoke version or with help in understanding how to use it or implement it, please get in touch to request a quote.



Released on Dec 13, 2018


Google Sheets file (downloadable as .xlsx, .ods, .pdf, .csv, .tsv, and .zip)

Cards made metrics ready: added project prefix to ID numbers, added timestamps, and applied minor design tweaks. Moved WIP limits to the separate sheet “Settings”.



Released on Nov 31, 2018


Google Sheets file (downloadable as .xlsx, .ods, .pdf, .csv, .tsv, and .zip)

Added a dedicated section for the setting of WIP limits on the sheet “KanbanBoard”. Added conditional formatting-triggered if WIP limits exceeded-on the column headers of the sheet “KanbanBoard”.



Released on Oct 4, 2018


Google Sheets file (downloadable as .xlsx, .ods, .pdf, .csv, .tsv, and .zip)

Remodeled the board layout. Added two sets of avatars on a dedicated sheet “Avatars”. Renamed sheet “TermsOfUse_EULA” to “©”.



Released on Jul 24, 2018


Google Sheets file (downloadable as .xlsx, .ods, .pdf, .csv, .tsv, and .zip)

Initial release.



LICENCE AGREEMENT:  Private Use (not for distribution or resale).

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