Boost Your Python Programming: 18 Must-Try ChatGPT Prompts

Time to level up your Python skills with ChatGPT!

Don’t worry, I won’t make you write a script to fetch my coffee (yet).

In this free download, I’ve compiled a list of 18 must-try prompts to enhance your programming experience. From basic concepts to advanced topics, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s dive in and see what ChatGPT has in store for you!

ChatGPT Prompts for Python Programmers: an Example

In this section, I will provide an example of a prompt for ChatGPT and the resulting answer generated by the model. This will give you an idea of the type of questions you can ask and the kind of answers you can expect to receive from ChatGPT.

As a quick refresher, ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like responses to a wide variety of prompts. It is capable of answering questions, generating text, completing sentences, and even engaging in conversations with users.

To give you an idea of the capabilities of ChatGPT, I will provide an example prompt and the resulting answer generated by the model. Keep in mind that the quality and relevance of the answer will depend on the specificity and clarity of the prompt.

Without further ado, let’s dive into an example of a prompt and the resulting ChatGPT answer.


Act as a Python developer tasked with integrating multiple libraries and frameworks into a single application. Your goal is to optimize the performance and functionality of the application by leveraging the strengths of each library and framework. How will you ensure that they work seamlessly together and avoid conflicts?


Integrating multiple libraries and frameworks into a single application can be a challenging task, as it requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a solid understanding of each component’s strengths and weaknesses. To optimize the performance and functionality of the application, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Choose the Right Libraries and Frameworks: The first step in integrating multiple libraries and frameworks into a single application is to choose the right ones. Carefully research each library and framework to ensure that they are compatible with each other and your application’s requirements. For example, if you are developing a web application, you may consider using Flask or Django as your web framework and SQLAlchemy as your database library.

  2. Create a Plan: Once you have chosen your libraries and frameworks, create a plan that outlines how they will work together. This plan should include details on how data will flow between different components and how the different components will interact with each other. This will help you identify potential conflicts and ensure that the components work seamlessly together.

  3. Modularize the Code: To avoid conflicts, it is essential to modularize the code. This means breaking down the application into smaller, more manageable parts. Each module should be responsible for a specific task, such as handling user authentication or managing the database connection. This approach will make it easier to identify and isolate any conflicts that may arise.

  4. Use Virtual Environments: Virtual environments can be used to isolate the dependencies for each component. This approach ensures that each component has access to the necessary libraries and frameworks, without conflicts with other components. For example, if you are using Django for your web framework, you can create a virtual environment that includes only the necessary dependencies for Django.

  5. Test Thoroughly: To ensure that all components work seamlessly together, thorough testing is essential. Create a suite of tests that covers all possible scenarios, including edge cases. This will help you identify any conflicts or issues before the application is deployed.


Let’s say we are developing a web application that requires a backend database, a front-end web framework, and an authentication library. We have chosen to use Flask as our web framework, SQLAlchemy as our database library, and Flask-Login as our authentication library.

To ensure that these components work seamlessly together and avoid conflicts, we could create a plan that outlines the following:

  • Flask will handle HTTP requests and responses
  • SQLAlchemy will handle the database connection and queries
  • Flask-Login will handle user authentication
  • Data will flow between Flask and SQLAlchemy through a set of API endpoints
  • Flask-Login will integrate with Flask to handle user login and logout

We could then modularize the code by creating separate modules for each component, such as a Flask module, an SQLAlchemy module, and a Flask-Login module. Each module would be responsible for a specific task, making it easier to identify and isolate any conflicts that may arise.

We could also use virtual environments to isolate the dependencies for each component. For example, we could create a virtual environment that includes only the necessary dependencies for Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Flask-Login.

Finally, we would thoroughly test the application to ensure that all components work seamlessly together. We would create a suite of tests that covers all possible scenarios, including edge cases, such as invalid user credentials or database connection errors. This testing approach will help us identify any conflicts or issues before the application is deployed.


Consider this as a sneak peek, there’s more to come as you read on for the actual list.

Python ChatGPT prompts: Categories

Organizing your ChatGPT prompts is a great way to make the most out of them. That’s why I’ve grouped the 18 must-try Python programming prompts into six different categories to help you find the perfect one for your needs.

The categories in the Excel file include the following:

  1. Design and develop applications using Python: A Python programmer must be proficient in designing and developing applications using the Python programming language. They must be able to write code, test and debug it to ensure that it functions correctly.

  2. Work with various libraries and frameworks: Python programmers must be familiar with various libraries and frameworks, such as Flask, Django, NumPy, and Pandas, among others. They should know how to integrate them into their code to make their applications more efficient.

  3. Analyze and interpret data: Python is widely used in data analysis and data science. Therefore, a Python programmer should be skilled in analyzing and interpreting data using Python’s data manipulation libraries such as NumPy and Pandas.

  4. Write maintainable code: Writing maintainable and scalable code is essential for Python programmers. They should be able to write code that is easy to read, modify and debug by other programmers.

  5. Collaborate with other team members: A Python programmer is often part of a team of developers working on the same project. Therefore, they should be able to work collaboratively with other team members and communicate effectively.

  6. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments: Python is an evolving language, and new libraries, frameworks, and updates are being released regularly. Python programmers should stay up-to-date with these developments to ensure that their skills are current and relevant.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Python programmer, these prompts are designed to help you take your skills to the next level. So why not download the file today and start exploring?

ChatGPT for Python Programming: Free Prompts Download 

Alright folks, it’s time to unleash the beast! I’m talking about the Excel file that contains the absolute best ChatGPT prompts you’ll ever find for boosting your Python programming skills. These 18 must-try prompts cover everything from manipulating strings to handling files, and even tackling complex algorithms.

Download here

So what are you waiting for? Download here (just 13 characters, easy peasy) and let the programming magic begin! Trust me, these prompts are so good, you’ll be cracking up while coding.

And with your newfound skills, you’ll be the talk of the town – or at least the talk of your programming group chat.

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