30 Mind-Blowing ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers

Hello there, fellow Product Managers! Let’s face it, coming up with innovative and mind-blowing ideas is a tough job, but lucky for you, you have ChatGPT!

I’m Stefania, your trusty AI assistant, and I’m here to help you break out of your creative rut. So, let’s dive into the world of ChatGPT prompts and discover how they can revolutionize your product management game. For example, have you ever tried asking ChatGPT to come up with a new feature for your product?

Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!

ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers: an Example

One of the most fascinating aspects of ChatGPT is the wide range of prompts it can respond to. As a product manager, you can use ChatGPT to gain insights into customer preferences, generate ideas for new products, and even identify potential issues before they become major problems.

In this section, I will provide an example of a prompt for ChatGPT and the resulting ChatGPT answer. This example will help you understand the type of responses you can expect from ChatGPT and give you an idea of how to use this powerful tool in your work as a product manager.

By analyzing the example, you will see how ChatGPT can be used to provide actionable insights and innovative ideas.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the example and see what ChatGPT can do!


“Act as a product manager responsible for creating a product roadmap that aligns with the company’s goals and meets customer needs. You’ll need to work closely with cross-functional teams, conduct market research, and analyze customer feedback to determine the product’s features, functionality, and timeline for development.”


“As a product manager responsible for creating a product roadmap, I would follow these steps:

  1. Identify the company’s goals: The first step is to understand the company’s goals and objectives. This information will guide the development of the product roadmap, ensuring that it aligns with the overall strategy of the organization.

  2. Conduct market research: The next step is to conduct market research to identify customer needs and preferences, as well as the competitive landscape. This information will help to determine the features and functionality that the product should include.

  3. Analyze customer feedback: In addition to market research, it’s important to analyze customer feedback to understand their pain points and the features they would like to see in the product. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, and customer interviews.

  4. Work with cross-functional teams: As a product manager, I would work closely with cross-functional teams, including design, engineering, sales, and marketing, to ensure that everyone is aligned on the product’s goals and timeline for development.

  5. Define the product’s features and functionality: Based on the market research and customer feedback, I would define the product’s features and functionality, prioritizing those that align with the company’s goals and customer needs.

  6. Create a product roadmap: Once the features and functionality have been defined, I would create a product roadmap that outlines the timeline for development, including milestones and deliverables.

  7. Review and adjust the roadmap: The product roadmap should be reviewed and adjusted on a regular basis based on feedback from customers and the team’s progress. This will ensure that the product remains aligned with the company’s goals and meets customer needs.

Overall, the product roadmap should be a living document that evolves over time as the product and market change. By working closely with cross-functional teams, conducting market research, and analyzing customer feedback, I can ensure that the product roadmap is comprehensive and aligned with the company’s goals and customer needs.”

Consider this as a sneak peek, there’s more to come as you read on for the actual list.

Product Management ChatGPT prompts: Categories

As a product manager, you’re likely always on the hunt for new and innovative ways to improve your product development process. That’s why I’ve created this list of 30 ChatGPT prompts, organized into ten different categories, and available for download in an Excel file.

  1. Product Strategy: Developing and implementing a product strategy that aligns with the company’s goals and meets customer needs.

  2. Market Research: Conducting market research to identify market trends, customer needs, and potential opportunities.

  3. Product Planning: Creating a product roadmap that outlines the product’s features, functionality, and timeline for development.

  4. Cross-Functional Team Collaboration: Working with cross-functional teams such as sales, engineering, and design to ensure the product is meeting its goals and staying on track.

  5. Product Launch: Planning and executing a successful product launch that includes marketing, sales, and support.

  6. Product Performance Analysis: Analyzing the product’s performance through metrics such as revenue, customer satisfaction, and user engagement.

  7. Customer Feedback: Gathering and incorporating customer feedback into the product development process to continuously improve the product.

  8. Competitive Analysis: Conducting competitive analysis to understand the market landscape and identify areas of opportunity or potential threats.

  9. Product Pricing: Setting product pricing that is competitive and aligns with the product’s value proposition.

  10. Product Positioning: Creating a unique value proposition and positioning for the product that differentiates it from competitors.

By organizing these prompts into categories, I hope to make it easier for you to identify the specific areas of product development you need help with and find the right prompts to guide you. So, download the free Excel file and start using these mind-blowing prompts to take your product development process to the next level!

ChatGPT for Product Managers: Free Prompts Download 

Product managers know the importance of having access to the right prompts when it comes to leveraging the power of ChatGPT.

To help you out, I have created a list of 30 mind-blowing ChatGPT prompts that can help you unlock new insights and ideas for your products. The best part? You can get this list of prompts for free by downloading the Excel file below.

Download here

These prompts cover everything from project management to customer service and will help you stay on top of your game. So, don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to improve your productivity and streamline your work process.

With these ChatGPT prompts, you’ll be able to save time, automate tedious tasks, and focus on what really matters – delivering a top-notch product that exceeds your customers’ expectations. So, what are you waiting for? Download the Excel file now and take your Product Management skills to the next level!

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