Google Sheets: Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

When you work your fingers to the bone on the best Google Sheet risk register, having to move them like a pendulum to get to the mouse is an agony.

What if you could keep your fingertips on the PC or Mac piano for most of the time, instead?

Google Sheets helps you with a great list of keyboard shortcuts.


107 keyboard shortcuts.

107 Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts.*

Gif titled Google Sheets – Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet - Spock

For you and me, 100% Human DNA, I’ve created this graphic of the 16 most handy Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts.

Simply bookmark it and share it with your team members to ease your first date with such an overwhelming help.

From pushing the mouse around to getting work done!

Image titled Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Google Sheets – 16 Keyboard Shortcuts You Need to Remember

A quick and easy reference to the most important keyboard shortcuts on Google Sheets.

Common actionsPCMac
OpenCtrl + o⌘ + o
FindCtrl + f⌘ + f
UndoCtrl + z⌘ + z
Navigate spreadsheetPCMac
Move to beginning of rowHomeFn + Left arrow
Move to beginning of sheetCtrl + Home⌘ + Fn + Left arrow
Move to end of rowEndFn + Right arrow
Move to end of sheetCtrl + End⌘ + Fn + Right arrow
Edit notes and commentsPCMac
Insert/edit noteShift + F2Shift + F2
Insert/edit commentCtrl + Alt + m⌘ + Option + m
Insert or delete rows or columnsPCMac
Insert rows aboveGoogle Chrome: Alt + i, then r

Other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then r

Ctrl + Option + i, then r
Insert rows belowGoogle Chrome: Alt + i, then w

Other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then w

Ctrl + Option + i, then b
Insert columns to the leftGoogle Chrome: Alt + i, then c

Other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then c

Ctrl + Option + i, then c
Insert columns to the rightGoogle Chrome: Alt + i, then o

Other browsers: Alt + Shift + i, then o

Ctrl + Option + i, then o
Delete rowsGoogle Chrome: Alt + e, then d Google Chrome: Alt + e, then d

Other browsers: Alt + Shift + e, then d

Ctrl + Option + e, then d
Delete columnsGoogle Chrome: Alt + e, then e Google Chrome: Alt + e, then e

Other browsers: Alt + Shift + e, then e

Ctrl + Option + e, then e
Use formulasPCMac
Show all formulasCtrl + ‘Ctrl + ‘
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